Discipleship Scholarship
One scholarship will be awarded for the amount of $2000 by the scholarship committee. In addition, each field will award a student on their field $500.
Application Deadline
May 15, 2025
Scholarship Requirements
- Attend a Nazarene institution (you do not have to be committed at the time of applying for the scholarship)
- Participate as a quizzer at Q2025
- Quizzers can only receive the discipleship scholarship one time
- Submit two references. One reference should be from outside of the quiz community. The reference form can be found by inserting the link below into your web browser.
- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1Az5BToWPgPZ3FhCg_yvC0HDZolns7ULVjsAmUzheUPn9Ig/viewform?usp=dialog
- Submit a 500 – 800 word essay written on the prompt below
Essay Prompt
A value of the Youth Quizzing ministry is discipleship, a lifestyle of becoming like Christ. For the discipleship scholarship please explain how the 2024 – 2025 study material has impacted your life. Choose a verse(s) or a theme from Luke and explain with specific details how you have chosen to live out that message.
Please email your essay to NYIQuiz@nazarene.org with your name, phone number and email.
Register for Q2025: https://usacanadanyi.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2584799
Event Details
Q is a regional quizzing event that takes place every two years at a Nazarene institution. (Due to some shifts on the Global Nazarene calendar, the following Q event will not be until 2028.) In addition to several days of quizzing, students will experience worship, recreation, and the community that makes quizzing unique.
Q2025 will take place at Olivet Nazarene University June 23-June 28, 2025.
Quizzing will take place in the following divisions:
• Local Novice
• Local Experienced
• District Novice
• District Experienced
• Field A
• Field B
Special Note: Since the registration link includes release forms, it MUST be completed by a parent or legal guardian for a minor who is under the legal age of majority (under the age of 18), or someone who is mentally or physically unable to sign for him or herself.
Q2025 will begin Monday, June 23 at 3:00 pm (Central Time) and will conclude Saturday, June 28, at 1:00 pm (Central Time).
Participants & Officials Cost and Registration Details
Early Registration (ends March 15)
Quizzer - $220
Coach - $220
Officials/Tech Team - $179
Regular Registration (ends April 15)
Quizzer - $230
Coach - $230
Officials/Tech Team - $179
Late Registration (ends May 15)
Quizzer - $240
Coach - $240
Officials/Tech Team - $179
Registration for quizzers, coaches, officials, and tech team includes all quiz sessions and worship services, on-campus housing Monday-Friday nights, meals Monday dinner-Saturday lunch, Q2025 materials and t-shirt.
Registration closes May 15, 2025.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide refunds for this event.
Guest & Spectator Cost and Registration Details
On-Campus Overnight Guest
Early Registration (ends March 15) - $210
Regular Registration (ends April 15) - $220
Late Registration (ends May 15) - $230
Registration for on-campus overnight guest includes all quiz sessions and worship services, on-campus housing Monday-Friday nights, and meals Monday dinner-Saturday lunch.
Off-Campus Spectator - $20
Registration for off-campus spectators requires check-in on-site to receive a guest badge and includes all quiz sessions and worship sessions. Please note that meals will not be sold at the door.
Registration closes May 15, 2025.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide refunds for this event.
Other Fees (see below for more information)
Quiz Team Fee - $150 (registered and paid by coach)
Decades Quizzing - $10
Early Housing - $50 per person (Sunday, June 22)
Off-Campus Lunch Pass - $75
Off-Campus Meal Pass - $159
Quiz Team Fees
Coaches should add-on these fees for their teams. Once teams are paid for, the coach's confirmation email will provide a link to the website where coaches can register their team(s) and assign quizzers to each roster. Note that there is a delay between when you register individually and when that list is imported into the team registration site (may take up to one week to get imported.) This means that some of the information and names may not be there if you immediately go to assign the team. Individual registration for all quizzers needs to occur before they will show up to assign them to a team.
Decades Quizzing
This adult quiz tournament will take place Tuesday-Thursday evenings. Spots in this tournament can be reserved as an add-on through the registration process for $10 per person. Instructions to submit team rosters will occur closer to the event. Decades Quizzing will cover all of Luke 1-10.
Airport Shuttle
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer an airport shuttle for participants to purchase for Q2025. Those who are flying to the event will be respnosible for coordinating travel to and from the airport and Olivet Nazarene University. See below for a few different options to consider as you make arrangements for transportation:
1. Uber/Lyft
2. Car Rental
3. Public Transportation
All participants will be housed in the dorms at Olivet Nazarene University. As you complete your registration, you will have the opportunity to provide a roommate preference and any other housing needs (such as family housing) and our housing coordinator will work to accommodate requests. Linens available are a blanket, 2 flat sheets, pillowcase, pillow, bath towel, hand towel, and washcloth. Linens will be included when you register.
A limited amount of housing for Sunday, June 22 is available for those participants whose travel brings them in early. Sunday Night Housing can be reserved as an add-on through the registration process for $50 per person and includes breakfast and lunch on Monday.
Those participants not staying on-campus, can pre-purchase meals. Meals will NOT be available for purchase at the door. Add-on purchase options available are:
- Lunch Pass (lunches Tuesday - Saturday) - $75
- All event meals (Monday dinner - Saturday lunch) - $159
Contact Us
If you have additional questions, please contact the USA/Canada Quiz Office at nyiquiz@nazarene.org.